Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Blog 21. The Country Walk Case: Part Six

Friday, October 8th, 2021

To those brains that are devoid of projected bias that prevents an accurate perception of the truth concerning all my convictions for alleged sexual child abuse, the recognition of my 37 years experience in prison for crimes that never even existed, can produce a sense of responsibility to play a productive role in my life and in my cause. Only bias based on prior experiences or bias based on prior knowledge of other persons’ experiences or allegations, can activate the brain’s imagination to produce the sick and depraved thoughts and images to be projected toward my person and to be relied on to misjudge my mental sanity and to perceive my thought system as they would have me be. Unfortunately for me and for my cause, the percentage of brains that are under the control of said biases is much higher than what is desired and expected in a generally healthy society. THAT IS WHY I HAVE BEEN UNABLE TO HAVE MY CONVICTIONS FOR SEXUAL CHILD ABUSE VACATED REGARDLESS OF MY CONSTANT EFFORTS AND THE PRO BONO HELP OF ATTORNEY AMY GERSHENFELD DONNELLA DURING OVER TEN YEARS.

It was not my objective to offend anyone with the above stated statements. Our Inner Holy Self, which is our real eternal identity, cannot be offended. Only the worldly ego self that each of us has made with illusive worldly thoughts can feel offended. And in this case, rightly so, because only the illusive ego self’s thought system functions through projections of its worldly thoughts and because my statements above are directed, as applicable, to the ego thought system that has kept my human body incarcerated for over 37 years on the basis of either illusive projections, or of criminal personal agendas. Actually, most of the egos that are responsible for my illegal incarceration, are fully aware that my ex-wife Iliana and I are 1000% innocent of every charge against us filed by State Prosecutor Janet Reno.

At the present time I have two unrelated producers conducting individual investigations of my two cases with the objective to provide my cause with international publicity: Mr. Scott Michels from Retro Report and Mr. Paul Berczeller from Free Turn. I express my gratitude to both of them and to the entities that they represent. Without doubts, society in general has a legal right to know the truth in connection to my two cases from the Eleventh Judicial Circuit Court of Florida, in order to do whatever it takes to provide the necessary corrections to protect itself from such a gross abuse of delegated authority. Another positive news is that my attorney, Ms. Amy Gershenfeld Donnella, who represented me on pro bono basis for over ten years up to 2007, has recently shown an interest in becoming my champion once again in some capacity. Amy once stated that she wasn’t going to allow the State of Florida to get away with the multiple crimes that Janet Reno made to get Iliana and I convicted in the Country Walk Babysitting Case. My heart felt gratitude to these persons. I am praying that with their help a local law firm with the required experience, from the area of Miami Dade County, makes the decision to join Amy in a legal effort to have my convictions in the Country Walk Babysitting Case vacated (Amy is not familiar with the facts of my Case #81-21904 of 1981-1982.).

I want to use this opportunity to express my gratitude to the Christ Mind for the love and for the help that I have received from so many minds throughout my entire human experience, but especially during my human experience in prison for crimes that never even existed. The experience of being incarcerated on the basis of totally false charges is horrible beyond description. In my opinion, it is about the worse crime that society can inflict on a human being. And when that crime is based on charges of sexual child abuse, the pain and the sufferings that are inflicted are enhanced one hundred times. And if the sentence imposed by the court is life in prison, a dead sentence is way more merciful. No one can possibly imagine the level of anxiety and of torture that must be endured by a person falsely accused and convicted of having sexually abused children, including one’s own child. From my perspective, the entire nation seemed to have gone crazy during the national hysteria of sexual child abuse that was experienced between about 1980 to about 1990 (Please review my Blog #14).

I do not know if I will have to remain in prison for crimes that never even existed. But please know that my real legacy when I drop my human body is my current level of consciousness, which I am sharing with the Sonship through our spiritual oneness. With my thoughts and the feeling derived thereof on daily basis, I have been either a curse or a blessing to the Sonship to which we all belong. The Sonship is the total sum of every mind created by God through an extension of Himself, that has incarnated on this world to experience an illusive individuality through the worldly ego self. To the level to which I have forgiven my accusers, I am holy and a blessing toward the salvation of this world, because forgiveness is an act of divine love and a virtue of our Inner Holy Self. The Self that God created as each one of us prior to the creation of our Galaxy. When we communicated only through divine energies. Even today, it is only through our energies that we are constantly in communication with the Universal Divine Consciousness that I called the Universal Christ Mind, which was manifested by Jesus of Nazareth. And to a much lesser degree, by many billions of minds in one or another degree. NOW I WANT TO DOCUMENT THE UNDILUDED TRUTH KNOWN TO ME.


Francisco Fuster-Escalona.

Blog #20. The Country Walk Case: Part Five

Friday, October 8th, 2021

If you have been granted access to the unredacted posts please follow this link.

If you decide to read Satan’s Silence, which I recommend, you will read how the State of Florida subjected my 17-year-old young wife from Honduras to mental and physical torture, to coerce her into changing her not guilty plea and to testify against me. Since Ms. Nathan has a higher level of credibility, I am limiting my disclosure to the same information that you could confirm with her book. Ms. Nathan had the ability to interview some of the staff members from the Dade County Jail for Women, as well as Dr. Michael Rappaport (Phonetic), Psychologist, from Behavior Changers, who was hired by Iliana’s own attorney, Mr. Michael Lee Von Zamft, and by Janet Reno, to hypnotize Iliana in order to induce her to stop claiming that we are 100% innocent of every charge, which was her position for over ten months.

The physical torture consisted in keeping her naked in a very cold cell with the lights turned on 24 hours per day In sleep deprivation as a result of those conditions and as a result of the guards waking her up constantly. Also the denial of the required medical care for pains and for skin rashes.

The mental torture consisted in being incarcerated without having committed any type of crime in being constantly insulted in being on the daily news for over one year accused of horrible crimes that never existed in being subjected to show her naked body to everyone passing by her cell, men and women. And from time to time, Janet Reno took her out of the jail in the nighttime to take her to eat in nice restaurants, and then returned her to her cell. According to the records, Dr. Rappaport had to conduct 34 hypnotic sessions with Iliana to alter her brain’s memories to the point required to turn her into an effective witness for Janet Reno’s prosecution team.

Dr. Rappaport had success in manipulating Iliana’s thought system into projecting as facts many insane imaginations of sexual and non-sexual nature, some of which were so unnatural and crazy, that the prosecutors declined to use in my trial. Actually, Iliana took the lead among all my enemies and became Janet Reno’s star witness against me. Not only she accused me of abusing the children, but of abusing her as well. Four of the six juror that decided the outcome of my trial told a reporter from the Miami Herald that without the statements from Iliana, they would have voted for a not guilty verdict.

Iliana was allowed to call me when we were first arrested. I had access to a telephone in my cell for about four hours every day. She was also allowed to visit me at ICT (A JAIL) about once monthly. So she was able to keep me informed about her conditions at the Dade County Jail for Woman. Those privileges ended soon after Dr. Rappaport entered the picture. When Iliana informed me that her attorney had urged her to accept a ten-year plea bargain offer, I told her to refuse it and she agreed. I told her to fight against the lies against us. Again she fully agreed. We had the same conversation two more times with the same identical conclusion. Had she honored her commitment to defend the truth, both of us would have defeated Janet Reno.

I asked her to fire Michael Von Zamft, and after that we were not allowed to have further communication. One day [REDACTED] informed me that she had accepted the deal of ten years. I got sick. I cried in my cell. But could I have blamed her? One day we were allowed to sit next to each other while waiting to attend a court hearing, and she tried to establish communication, however I remained in silence, mostly because, if I had spoken, it would have been to induce her to do what I considered as the right thing to do, to take her case to trial. But I was scared to be the cause of she receiving a life sentence. I was scared to misguide her. Therefore, with my silence I let her follow her intuition without my interference. It was a very painful moment that has perpetually lingered in my brain. Even now, about 36 years later, as I write these statements, I feel my tears rolling down my face.

In order for Judge Robert Newman to accept Iliana’s guilty plea, he had to ignore his spiritual duties and his moral duties: the laws of the State of Florida and the Florida Rules of Court. He wasn’t acting on behalf of the truth and on behalf of justice. Instead, Mr. Newman was serving his ego’s personal agenda. This is a fact because Mr. Newman heard Iliana’s statements, clearly placing him on notice that she is innocent of all the charges against her. And above all, because Judge Newman knew that when Iliana declared that she is totally innocent, she was declaring the truth.

But Mr. Newman didn’t care about the truth. Instead, he was anxious to accept Iliana’s coerced and involuntary guilty plea to help Janet Reno accomplish her victory over the truth, over justice, and over the United States Constitution legal rights to due process of law. Not only that, Judge Newman knew that the laws of the State of Florida strictly prohibited him from accepting a change of plea from a not guilty plea to a guilty plea, from a defendant that had been subjected to mind altering psychological manipulative hypnotic sessions. Judge Newman’s duties were to reject Iliana’s illegal and false guilty plea, and to either have the bogus case against her dismissed, or to set a day for her trial and make sure that she received a just and fair trial. Legally, Iliana has a valid claim of manifest injustice, which is a fundamental error that can be raised at any time and could move to relinquish her guilty plea and demand a trial by jury. I bless her human experience with God’s LOVE


Francisco Fuster Escalona

Blog #19. The Country Walk Case: Part Four

Saturday, October 2nd, 2021

If you have been granted access to the unredacted blogs, please follow this link.

When I first heard that my son had tested positive for Neisseria Gonorrhea in his throat, I wanted to hurt someone. Never throughout my entire human experience had I experienced that level of rage and of hate. My imagination gave me the worse scenarios to choose from for me to adopt as facts. I tortured my own self with horrible conclusions as to how my child had tested positive for that disgusting sexual disease. I prayed and cried for hours at a time for some insight. Samek was not answering my telephone calls to answer my questions.

It was through my family that I was able to learn that my son’s mother, who has always defended me, had taken our son outside Dade County to be retested. However, retesting was impossible because the Jackson Memorial Hospital Rape Treatment Center claimed that they had injected our son with Penicillin. When Samek went to see me at the Dade County Jail, he infuriated me even more with his insane idea that Joseph Braga had given my son the bogus gonorrhea. Samek had faith in the integrity of the test. However, by that date my Inner Divine Consciousness had revealed the truth to me: That the allegation that my son had gonorrhea was a lie to get me convicted.

Therefore, I asked Samek to file a motion to have the culture retested at a private laboratory. He complied. At the court hearing we discovered that Janet Reno had ordered the Jackson Memorial Hospital to discard the culture, which should have been preserved for my trial’s discovery process as medical legal evidence. They deprived me of my legal rights to due process of law to defend myself and to show that Janet Reno and the Jackson Memorial Hospital had created false evidence to get me convicted at the expense of my child. That was the only physical evidence against me and it got me convicted due to Samek’s ineffective representation in failing to have that bogus evidence suppressed.

Janet Reno also manipulated the Bragas, inducing them to believe that the bogus gonorrhea test was legit and that my child had the gonorrhea infection. As a result, from that point on the Bragas acted under the premises that my son had been victimized and that I was the sick mind that had done it. They conducted a Gestapo type of drilling on my six-year-old child for SEVEN CONSECUTIVE HOURS. Up to that point, my son had been denying for months that any sexual abuse had taken place at our house. Subsequently, to put an end to the torture to which he was being submitted while his mother was crying, my son told the Bragas that if I in fact had put my penis in his mouth as they were claiming, that I must have done it while he was asleep, because he had no memory of that event.

I was tested for gonorrhea with a real test, which requires that the culture remains in the Petri Tray for at least 24 hours. I TESTED NEGATIVE! I have never had any type of sexual disease. My son was tested with the Rapid NH System, which, can determine the presence of Neisseria, but cannot pinpoint which one out of about 17 types, out of which 16 ARE HARMLESS AND HARBOURED BY THE HUMAN BODY, like those Neisseria organisms that are produced by the common cold. And yes, that test that my son received had to come out positive, because my child had a common cold at that time. I have reports from the Center For Disease Control backing up all these statements. NO ONE HAS EVER SEXUALLY ABUSED MY SON.

The parents continued meeting at the Country Walk Clubhouse every evening to feed lies to each other to be subsequently used against Iliana and me, such as the lie that Iliana had them wait for five minutes to open the door. That they had seen me in the house during the time that Iliana and her cousin Maritsa Betanco, who lived with us for almost six months in 1984, babysat their preschool children. All the lies had the objective to get me convicted.

The Landises were the leaders from the get-go, and they were the first family to file a multi- million dollars civil action, which was filed soon after my arrest, about two to three weeks after, as. if it had already been drafted prior to my arrest. At least in part. About seven more families joined them. Right after my conviction, all the families accepted up to $1,200,000.00 per child. At my expense and at the expense of my son of my wife of their own children and of the truth, they reached the American Dream. The Miami Herald reported that they pre-paid their mortgages purchased new cars, et cetera.

Janet Reno was also rewarded. She received the required number of votes to win reelection as the Dade County State Attorney. Subsequently, President Bill Clinton rewarded her with the position of United States Attorney General. Assistant State Attorney John Hogan, who was my actual prosecutor, was rewarded with the position of Statewide Prosecutor, but he lost it for negotiating with stolen properties. Many other individuals got something out of the case.

Satan’s Silence, by Debbie Nathan, provides extensive information about the Country Walk Case. A copy can be ordered by calling (800) 331-3761. The book has two objectives: To tell the nation that my wife and me are innocent of all the charges in connection to the Country Walk Case and to tell the nation that the book by Jan Hollingsworth under the title Unspeakable Acts, which Jan drafted from an omniscient point of view, is a fictional work that Jan created at the request and expense of her friend Laurie Braga, to provide support to Jane Reno’s crimes in the Country Walk Babysitting Case. Thank you Ms. Debbie Nathan. I hope to meet you in person one day.


Francisco Fuster-Escalona

Blog #18. The Country Walk Babysitting Case: Part Three

Wednesday, September 29th, 2021

 September 26, 2021

Subsequently, Janet Reno sought a court order to hire one of the nation’s most respected experts in cases of sexual child abuse to conduct a professional mental evaluation of each child that had been in my house: Dr. Ralph Underwager, PH.D., Director of the Institute for Psychological Therapies in Minnesota, who charged the taxpayers of the State of Florida $1,500.00 per day, plus all his expenses. Dr. Underwager had a national reputation for assisting many prosecutors establish the guilt of pedophiles and to obtain their convictions. Dr. Underwager had the authority and the the credibility to contradict the report that had been issued by the expert policewoman from the Miami Police Department, therefore, Janet Reno most have felt confident that Dr. Underwager’s Report was going to ensure her victory. But Dr. Underwager’s Report affirmed that none of the children that had been evaluated by him in connection to the Country Walk Babysitting Case had ever experience any sexual abuse. Janet Reno immediately fired Dr. Underwager without allowing him to testify during my trial. The jury never read his Report, nor were they allowed to know that it existed.

Janet Reno was having an unexpected serious problem finding in Florida a similar caliber expert in cases of molestation that had the authority and the credibility to contradict the report from the Miami Police Department and from Dr. Underwager. No licensed clinical psychologist or psychiatrist from the State of Florida that was contacted by Janet Reno’s staff accepted the assignment. Janet Reno even had her close friends from the local news media searching for a professional to replace Dr. Underwager. There was no success. But one of those news media anchor woman arranged an interview with two teachers that were married and had moved to Coconut Grove from out of the State of Florida, who were interested in providing the help that Janet Reno needed and to work on pro bono basis. (Laurie Braga’s family is very wealthy). Their offer to reevaluate the children’s prior constant and firm denials of having witnessed any type of abuse, at no cost to Dade County, was considered as a blessing (Not from God, that’s for sure) by Janet Reno, because the judge was not willing to expend $1,000,000.00 to prosecute me and Iliana (However, to my understanding, at the end of my trial, the total bill exceeded $1,000,000.00). Thus, Laurie and Joseph Braga, without any prior experience in the delicate job of interviewing pre school children that may have experienced some form of sexual abuse and without the required mental health training and licenses, were authorized by Janet Reno to turn those innocent children into effective state witnesses for her prosecutors at any cost. Janet Reno and the Bragas joined forces to inculcate in each of those tender brains the false beliefs of having seen and experienced some sort of sexual abuse for which they had the full support of the greedy parents. In fact, the Bragas recruited some of the parents in the slow process of coercing their children into adopting those false beliefs. The Bragas, who do not even had the experience of having had children of their own, enter the case totally convinced that the children were in denial and scared to speak out. They understood their mission to be to get the hidden truth out of the children by any means that they deemed proper and necessary. They never accepted the statements from the children that no type of abuse had taken place in my house.

The Bragas first problem took place when over 50% of the parents walked away from the case totally convinced by their children’s statements and tears that they had not been sexually abused in my house. By doing that, those parents simultaneously walked away from the multi-million dollars civil actions and demonstrated an honorable moral code that deserves recognition. Their second problem was to succeed in convincing the remaining children that they had been molested. In some cases, like in the case of Miss J.L., the Landises’ four year old daughter, the brainwashing process took months (Google the May 1996 issue of the Penthouse Magazine For Men, and read the nine pages article: Janet Reno’s Child Abuse).

Before the end of August of 1984, Janet Reno had my wife Iliana arrested. There are no words to describe the profound and prolonged agony that Iliana’s arrest caused me. I stopped eating and couldn’t sleep very much. Soon I realized that Janet Reno was going to use Iliana to negotiate with me her release in exchange for my willingness to commit perjury with a guilty plea.

Janet Reno ordered all the parents, including my ex-wife Martha Elena, the mother of my son, to take the children to the Jackson Memorial Hospital Rape Treatment Center for a physical examination. When the hospital reported that no signs of any type of abuse was found, Janet Reno decided to fabricate some physical evidence at the expense of my son. Not only such a fraud on the court could provide support for her case against me, but that false evidence could simultaneously serve to solidify the Bragas’ bias the judge’s bias the parents’ bias the news media’s bias and society’s bias. Janet Reno, in complicity with the staff from the Jackson Memorial Hospital Rape Treatment Center, subjected my son to a test based on a culture taken from his nose and processed for four hours in a Petry Tray to detect the organism Neisseria. There are about 17 different types of Neisseria, some of which are normally harbored by the human throat. The four hour test that my son received can detect any of those seventeen Neisseria organisms, but it CANNOT DETERMINE WHICH ONE. Only one can be Neisseria Gonorrhea of the throat.


Francisco Fuster-Escalona

Blog #17. The Country Walk Babysitting Case: Part Two

Wednesday, September 29th, 2021

If you have been granted access to unredacted posts follow this link.

September 25, 2021

The policemen ran toward me, so I ran to my driveway. They demanded my camera’s film. I refused to surrender my camera and accused them of trespassing private property without a Warrant. We argued, but I stood firm defending my legal rights. I demanded to know what was going on with [REDACTED], but they refused to tell me. They claimed that I knew why [REDACTED] wanted to kill my wife and me. Subsequently they took [REDACTED] to one of the patrol cars and drove away taking [REDACTED]’s SUV with them. I returned to my house and made another major error: I called [REDACTED], explained to him what had taken place and requested an appointment for the next day at 4:00 pm.

Next, I received a telephone call from an anonymous caller that called me CHILD MOLESTER threatened our lives and gave me 24 hours to move away from Country Walk. According to Iliana, that voice sounded like the voice of Mr. Toby. That shocked me because we considered him and his wife to be our good friends. We used to take his four-year-old daughter and my five-year-old son to the zoo horse mounting to the movies, et cetera. Iliana and I were very fond of their child and had come to treat her as family. Iliana and I got in my car and went to Toby’s townhouse to demand an explanation. Toby immediately denied being the anonymous caller and told us that he had already defended us when Sergeant Andrea Landis and Lieutenant Vincent Landis from the Police Department and his next-door neighbors, had visited him and his wife to discuss rumors that Iliana had been kissing the male babies’ genitals. My wife Iliana, who was 17 years old, and was born and raised in Honduras, where blowing air on a baby’s belly to make the baby laugh is a normal demonstration of love for the baby and a very common custom, began to cry and to try to explain that her actions were being misconstrued. While we were conversing, Sergeant and Lieutenant Landis walked in on us and began to accuse me of raping Miss R.R.. We argued. I accused them of lying and of abusing their delegated authority to cover up for Detective Sergeant [REDACTED], Sr., and his son Officer [REDACTED], Jr., who had fabricated the false allegation that I had touched Miss R.R. with sexual malice over her clothes, out of vindictiveness from Mrs. Bonnie Kendall. While we were arguing, a patrol car arrived and the Landises ordered the policeman to place Iliana and I under arrest. However, that officer, who just happen to be one of my clients, after hearing my side of the facts, refused to arrest us and let us go.

On August 9, 1984, I left my brother Sal supervising one of my carpenters, who was building a wall in the Florida Room of my house to make a home theater. That date, Iliana closed her babysitting service permanently, but it was too late for that at that point. We met with [REDACTED] about 4:00 pm. From [REDACTED]’s office I called my house to ask Sal if Mr. Walley (Phonetic) had finished building the wall. Sal shocked me when he informed me that about six or seven police cars and all the news media people were outside my house waiting for my arrival. He calculated, based on what he could see from the windows, that in total, about 50 human beings were waiting for me. Mr. Walley had left to return the following day. But I was not able to see him again. In fact, I never saw my house again. [REDACTED] instructed me not to return to my house that day, but to stay in a hotel and to meet him at 10:00 am the next day at the Eleventh Judicial Circuit Court of Florida, in the courtroom of Judge Robert Newman (4-2?). My wife and I were there by 9:30 am. We were anxious to explain that we had not committed any type of crime. I was in a hurry to go to my ongoing remodeling projects around Miami. But I was placed under custody and I have been incarcerated since August 10, 1984, because of horrible crimes against children that NEVER EXISTED. THAT NEVER TOOK PLACE. From my cell in the Dade County Jail, I was able to keep conducting business through the telephone and to complete some of my pending projects with my contractors.

The original charge against me was the false allegation that I had changed jobs without having reported it to my Probation Officer. During the time that I was under probation, and for several years prior to that, I had been, as can be easily confirmed. I subcontracted 42 home improvement contractors for my projects. The Mobile Showroom, Inc. had a warehouse. It was a small, but a legit business operating in full compliance with the laws. Prior to that, but from the same warehouse, I ran KDW Enterprises, Inc. For about eight years in total I was involved in home improvement businesses of my own. I HAD NO JOB. I DIDN’T CHANGE JOBS. I was deprived of my freedom of my family of my goals and of the American Dream, based on a lie.

Immediately after my arrest, the Landises began to prepare the background for a case against Iliana and I. Janet Reno, Dade County State Attorney, who was running for reelection against Attorney John B. Thompson, welcomed the Landises with open arms, because Mr. Thompson was relying on the forever effective protection of children platform for his political champaign against her. In fact, I have wondered if Janet Reno was the Master Mind behind the creation of the Country Walk case. The Landises had all the parents that had ever used Iliana’s babysitting service meet with them every night at the Country Walk Clubhouse, to fabricate allegations against my wife and I that could help Janet Reno obtain our convictions. Simultaneously, Janet Reno had every child subjected to a rigorous interview by the expert from the Miami Police Department. No evidence of abuse was found.


Francisco Fuster-Escalona

Blog #16. The Country Walk Babysitting Case: Part One

Wednesday, September 29th, 2021

If you have been granted access to unredacted posts, please follow this link.

September 25, 2021

From my perspective, Case #84-19728, began one day during the summer of 1984, when, upon arriving home from work, my wife Iliana told me that an HRS Representative had visited our house to investigate of an anonymous telephone caller who had alleged that she was sexually abusing the children under her care. It only took the investigator five minutes to inspect the five children under Iliana’s care our house and Iliana, to determine that the allegation was unfounded. That investigator told Iliana that more than 75% of all the anonymous calls to the HRS were made by malicious people making false allegations against someone, that for some reason, they disliked.

Notwithstanding the fact that that investigator had clearly established that Iliana was a sane mind and that there were no signs of any type of abuse, Iliana’s babysitting service for the Country Walk Housing Development should have immediately ended, as it was the obvious objective of the anonymous caller to the HRS. As the man of my house and being 17 years older than my now ex-wife Iliana, I take full responsibility for the error of allowing the babysitting service to continue after the HRS investigation. That was a bad decision that took place, in part, because the parents told Iliana that they had no one else nearby to replace her that they had to report to their jobs and to ignore the HRS investigation which was a closed case.

I also hated to allow the anonymous caller to the HRS to accomplish her or his objective to force Iliana to stop the babysitting service that made Iliana so happy. But still, my level of consciousness today doesn’t allow me to ignore that I foolishly overlooked that I was still serving my two years under probation for my Case #81-21904, and that Mrs. Bonnie Kendall, Miss R.R.’s mother, had promised me at my sentencing hearing, that she was going to cause me to violate the terms of my probation sentence to have the judge send me to prison. My reliance on the fact that Iliana was totally innocent of the false anonymous allegation, was misplaced. My trust on the parents and on the children, was also misplaced. And I didn’t visualize the potential consequences of my error.

Most certainly I had no basis at that point to imagine that soon after I was going to be implicated. Throughout my human experience I have never harmed a child in any way. I trusted the truth. I failed to realize that I WAS THE TARGET. I was totally unaware of the ongoing national hysteria of sexual child abuse. Due to that error, at a time of said ongoing national hysteria of sexual child abuse, Janet Reno easily fabricated the false charges in connection to the Country Walk Babysitting Case, with the help of the parents.

During the time that the above events took place, Attorney [REDACTED], who had been appointed by Honorable Steven D. Robinson in 1982 to appeal my conviction in connection to my Case #81-21904, was supposed to have been working on said appeal. However, unknown to me at that time, [REDACTED] had betrayed me and his legal duties as my appellate counsel to draft and to file the required appeal brief for which he got paid, not only by the State of Florida, but also $1,200.00 by me. Instead of complying with his legal duties, and without having placed me on notice as it is required by law, [REDACTED] filed with the Third District Court of Appeals of Florida an Anders Brief, i.e., a document through which he lied to the court, alleging that no appealable error had taken place during my trial.
My trial had several fundamental errors of manifested injustice that [REDACTED] had a duty to appeal but refused to comply with his legal duties to cover up for Janet Reno and for the law enforcement agents related by blood to Miss R.R.. He had joined the click against me, and effectively blocked even my pro se access to the courts. But I didn’t become aware of these facts until after my conviction in Case #84-19728-A. Obviously, had I known that [REDACTED] had sold me out, I would have not allowed him to become my trial attorney in the Country Walk Babysitting Case.

The next episode in line took place on August 8, 1984, about 6:30pm. I was in my office at my house talking happily with my young brother Sal and my beautiful wife Iliana. I was telling them my plans. I recall assuring them that my plans were solid and that nothing could stop me from realizing them. How foolish! How little did I know that my destination to a cell had already been sealed…. Then I saw through the window a nice SUV enter my house’s three cars driveway. My wife saw it too, and she told us: That is Mr. [REDACTED]’s SUV! Then we saw a police car stopping on the street. The two officers got out with their guns aimed at the SUV driver. One officer took cover behind the patrol car the other behind the patrol car’s door. The later had a megaphone and instructed [REDACTED] (An ex-convict) to throw out his .45 pistol, which he immediately did. Then that same officer instructed [REDACTED] to throw out his .357 Magnum revolver, which [REDACTED] did as ordered. Subsequently, [REDACTED] was arrested and removed, along with his SUV, from my property. [REDACTED] was placed by himself facing down on a garden island across from my residence. Another patrol car and a detectives’ car arrived. While all the law enforcement agents were together busy talking, about 20 yards away from [REDACTED], I went outside with my 35mm camera to take pictures and to interview [REDACTED]. Before I was noticed, I was next to [REDACTED], who was discharging saliva suds through his mouth. I was not able to find out why he wanted to kill us. Then the law enforcement agents saw me…


Francisco Fuster-Escalona

Blog #13: Letter to Mark Inch

Friday, September 24th, 2021

September 7, 2021.

Mr. Mark Inch
Secretary, Florida Department of Corrections
501 South Calhoun Street
Tallahassee, Florida. 32399-2500
(850) 488-7480

Respected Sir:

My objective via this communication is threefold:

1. To address your April 22, 2020 most respectfully, e-mail to us.

2. To thank you for your sincere efforts to provide to us and to society, the required services for which the Agency was created.

3. To make you aware of my existence and of my ongoing efforts to obtain justice in connection to my convictions. Please Sir, Google my alias Frank Fuster to read that I am 100% innocent in connection to my Cases #81-21904 and #84-19728 from Miami Dade County. On July 21, 2021, Dr. Rael Jean Isaac, Ph.D., sent you a letter requesting my transfer to Marion C.I. and with it she enclosed a five-page article that she published in the National Review Magazine, on September 10, 2018.

I want to start by addressing your question: ‘If I could give you anything within my authority as Secretary, what would you ask for? ‘ (Your e-mail dated April 22, 2021). I MOST RESPECTFULLY REQUEST FULL COMPLIANCE WITH ALL THE DUE PROCESS OF LAW THAT APPLIES TO THE DEPARTMENT, as required by the laws of the State of Florida and of the United States.

Due process of law requires that you enforce by any means necessary the laws and the rules of the State of Florida that apply to the Department, many of which are being violated every day throughout your prison system with the use of illegal drugs that the prisoners are obviously buying from your staff members. Over 95% of those illegal drugs are not being provided by the inmates’ visitors. That is a fact Sir. To deny it would mean to show a disregard for the truth, and for due process of law. Since the junkies began to receive the stimulus checks, I have seen the use of drugs multiplying. Sir, your main problem is your own staff members, not your prisoners.

Due process of law requires that the Department hires well educated and qualified individuals and that those persons receive constant and effective training to act under an honorable moral code and in full compliance with, in part, Section 33-208, of the Florida Administrative Code. However, Sir, the reality that we, your prisoners, are experiencing on daily basis, collides with the false images of the Department that has been presented to the members of the free world. The general perception that most of us prisoners have, is that we are under the custody and control of criminals that cannot provide rehabilitation based on good example. There is an ongoing code of silence and cover up that not many persons have the courage to ignore. Speaking for myself, I have witnessed members of your staff abuse their delegated authority over us thousands of times during my 37 years of incarceration. I have been beaten many times, sometimes by gang members hired by the officers other times by the officers themselves, in retaliation for my convictions and for my participation in the grievance process. Sometimes to wake up in the emergency room of a free world hospital. Some officers are gang members themselves. Sometimes the officers pay the inmates gang members to beat me up with my own personal property. The officers do not allow me to witness the inventory of my property and sometimes they have stolen my personal property for themselves. And when I have dared to file grievances, I have been subjected to retaliation and to bogus disciplinary reports that have caused me to end up in a confinement cell, sometimes almost naked without a mattress without a blanket without nothing, in cells with a broken window, subjected to extreme cold weather and sleep deprivation. I have had to reject my food in confinement for over a week, because I saw the officers on duty spitting on my food. These criminal acts violated my legal rights to due process of law, which is my only legal right.

When I must transfer from prison to prison, the bus drivers always refuse to offer me the required assistance to transport my boxes of active legal documents and my personal property, notwithstanding my old age and my physical disabilities. Instead, they deny me the use of a cart and the use of the empty bins on the side of the Blue Bird Bus. They handcuff me and place me under shackles restraints to make it very difficult and very painful for me to carry my legal papers and my personal property into the bus. And they do not allow other prisoners to help me. Instead, they inform the other prisoners in the bus about my convictions of sexual child abuse and incite them to steal my property and to beat me up. On July 26, 2018, I was beaten up for three hours into unconsciousness in a bus, while the officials that ordered the attack witnessed the crimes. My attackers, who weren’t handcuffed, were allowed to walk away with most of my personal property. It took my body about six months to heal without adequate medical care. The medical department staff was instructed not to document the full extent of my injuries right on front of me. My grievances were ignored.

Due process of law penalizes the grievance coordinators that block our access to the grievance process, however Sir, they systematically rely on malicious misapplication of Section 33-103.014 F.A.C. to return our grievances without action on Responses backdated beyond the deadline to appeal on not providing any Response et cetera. About 95% of the grievances that make it to your offices are systematically denied. GEO’s Graceville C. I. had the worst record for these type of corruption. An independent external Bureau of Inmates Appeals would help.

With good faith and respect,

Francisco Fuster-Escalona, #821200

Blog #15 letter to Mark Inch

Friday, September 10th, 2021

Mr. Mark Inch
Secretary, Florida Department of Corrections
501 South Calhoun Street
Tallahassee, Florida. 32399-2500
(850) 488-7480

Respected Mr. Inch:

I have been a Mentor for many of the 37 years that I have been incarcerated, however Sir, my message has gone through the metamorphosis that resulted from my own individual growth during my human experience. Divine wisdom does not come to us over night, nor does it come without painful experiences.

In reaction to your video FIND A MENTOR, my objective through this communication is to provide my good will contribution to the goal of facilitating a path toward a new thought system that is made of positive thoughts and feelings. Well, Sir, it is not a new thought system. Instead, it merely is the inner recognition and subsequent manifestation of the Eternal Holy Thought System under which each of us Mind-Spirit was created by God, which represents our real identity. Once that spiritual fact is recognized, we immediately begin to experience an inner willingness to identify ourselves with our Inner Self and the Mind begins the process of relinquishing the negativity of the illusive ego worldly self that each of us has made in this equally illusive world, because of the human experience, which is highly contaminated with the negative worldly thoughts that can only find manifestation with criminal activity. THE PROBLEM THAT REQUIRES CORRECTION IS THE EGO SELF. The only real solution can only come from OUR undiluted willfulness to manifest the Thought System from our individual Inner Self, i.e., our Inner Christ Self. Unfortunately, that required willfulness usually comes as the direct result of our own pain and suffering, which is our self-made hell. CHRIST IS THE ANSWER. The same Christ Self that Jesus of Nazareth manifested, we must also manifest. Jesus gave a human face to the Inner Divine Self that God created as him. We must imitate Jesus to leave behind us the insane thought system that has caused us, and other brains, so much physical and psychological pain and suffering. To the extent that we do, and only to that extend, can we manifest the Christ Thought System, which, as I affirmed before, is our only real identity. It is the only Part of us that really have a connection to God, and therefore, eternal life. God created each Mind-Spirit with Holy Thoughts from God’s own Holy Mind. The sum of all those Mind-Spirit Holy Thought System, represent and is, the Universal Christ Mind. Our real identity. Therefore Mr. Inch, according to which thought system we decide to identify with, those are the thoughts that we will manifest during the human experience. Thanks to our Heavenly Father, our reality is Mind-Spirit, which will remain holy and eternal regardless of the insanity and actions of the ego thought system in this illusive world. That Sir is God’s Will, and the egos’ thought system and worldly made religions can never alter that.

The worldly made religions that are based on the illusive beliefs that Jesus was killed as a sacrifice to God for the Salvation of the ego thought system, which itself is made up of illusive beliefs, are insane. There is no possible Salvation for the ego thought system, which is destined to vanish at the very moment when the brain dies. That, and only that, is our final judgement. And God’s Holy Thought System has never required any type of sacrifice from any ego self. Those illusive beliefs come from the egos thought system’s projections. The egos made a god in their own image relying on their projections. Only the egos require sacrifices. NOT GOD!

Only our ETERNAL HOLY THOUGHT SYSTEM will return as Light to the Universal Christ Mind. No illusions will survive the human experience. The ego thought system is highly contaminated with illusions, which will vanish when the body dies. But there is no death for the Mind-Spirit. That is a part of my basis for opposing the death penalty. If the objective is to educate the ego through punishment, its human body must be incarcerated, not killed. Prison life has the potential to induce the Mind to relinquish its ego self, or lower mind self if you wish.

There are several school of thoughts that can induce the ego self into surrendering to the Inner Christ Self, which is what any Department of Corrections Administrative staff should want.

I recommend the volume A COURSE IN MIRACLES, which is now available to the planet in about 30 languages, through 1,300 pages, from:

Foundation for Inner Peace
P.O. Box 598
Mill Valley, California 94942

That Sir, is my message in a nutshell. I am constantly conveying the above message to those that cross my path and provide me with the opportunity to try to help them relinquish all those self-destructive thoughts that their ego thought system has accumulated throughout their human experience. That is my self-imposed role as a mentor in your prison system. I experience great gratification when I make my brothers aware of their ego self and its negative thought system. Once that knowledge is drilled in, that truth will immediately begin to do its work (You shall learn the truth and the truth shall set you free. John 8:32).

On September 1st, 2021, I sent you another email letter in response to your email to us on April 22, 2020. I hope that the JPay staff and the MTC staff, do not intercept it. I have a legal right to freedom of speech under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution to share with you my prison experiences, and I also have your personal invitation to do so. If my emails to you are intercepted by those staff members that can do so, I will rely on snail mail to make you aware.

Thanking you, Francisco Fuster-Escalona


Friday, September 10th, 2021

BLOG #14, September 5, 2021

The laws that have been enacted by state legislatures across the United States because of the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act, passed by the Nixon-Ford administration in 1974, resulted in a nationwide sexual child abuse hysteria.

The Act, sometimes called the Mondale Act after one of its sponsors, was implemented to fight a genuine problem. Up to 1974, sexual child abuse was rarely reported and frequently covered up. It was the good intent of Congress to try to rectify that deplorable situation, by providing incentives by means of federal funds for the states to set up programs for child abuse research for the identification of the abusers and for their prosecution and treatment. Thus, federal funding was made available to match the states’ funding. As a result, the states were motivated to eliminate, or to reduce, the laws that were in place to prevent false charges of sexual child abuse, to increase their rates of convictions, and thus qualify for the millions of dollars in federal funds gifts.

From the legal perspective, from its creation, the Act required some modifications, in that it reinforced the frequent occurrence of the over reporting phenomena that caused the national hysteria of sexual child abuse, while failing to provide for the enactment of the required laws to protect the legal rights and the freedom of the falsely accused as well as for laws to protect the tender brains of the children from inculcated false beliefs of having experienced molestation.

The national hysteria peaked somewhere between 1980 and 1990 and according to Mary Pride’s book: The Child Abuse Industry, it caused over one million false allegations of sexual child abuse throughout the United States in 1985 alone. My fabricated cases in 1981 and in 1984, took place, in part, as a direct result of that national hysteria. But, while the hysteria played a main role in paving the way for easy convictions in many cases, mine included, other factors also contributed to my two cases, such as the plaintiffs’ personal agendas and the political agenda of Miami Dade County State Attorney Janet Reno.

Although the national hysteria has diminished throughout the years, it’s still lingering and causing the illegal conviction of guiltfree defendants. It requires correction, which can come about through a dedicated campaign consisting of public education of petitions from the public to our law makers and from lobbying by those that have the authority and the moral duty to do so. In support thereof, statistics show that an estimated 76% of all the charges of sexual child abuse crimes are ultimately found to be unfounded. Most charges of sexual child abuse are based on allegations of sexual touching with the sexual organs or with the mouth or with the hands. It is impossible to defend oneself from those type of criminal touching charges that do not leave behind any physical damage or evidence. Culpability is established with the testimony of an easily pre-manipulated state child witness. Less than one percent (1%) of the unfounded charges involved allegations of actual vagina or rectal penetration. 82% of the unfounded charges were made by estranged spouses involved in custody battles for their children. 11% of the unfounded charges were found to have been malicious in origin often based on baseless claims from anonymous telephone calls to the hot line of the Human Resources Services Office, for the sole purpose of trying to ruin someone’s life. By the way, that is how my second case began. The remaining six percent (6%) represented actual crimes, most often, by a family member, or by an alleged friend of the child’s family.

There is also the human factor to be considered. Sexual child abuse charges are so horrible and shocking, that the instinctively reaction towards the accused is one of blind rage, while simultaneously reaching out in any possible way to the alleged child witness. Under blind rage no brain can think with mental sanity and good judgement. What is seldom considered is that both, the child who is subjected to grow up under the stigma and mental trauma caused by false inculcated beliefs of having been molested as a child and the falsely accused that must endure many years of torture in a prison or a lifetime of rejection by society or both, are victims of the broken judicial and legislative systems of our society. A society that incarcerates innocent persons, is devoid of the required human rights that the United Nations enacted into laws on December 10, 1948… the day of my birthday (How ironic). The traumas that are caused by the false charges of sexual child abuse are well documented by the national organization The False Memory Syndrome Foundation.

There is an urgent need to demand that our law makers reenact the laws that served to reduce the reliance on false charges of sexual child abuse to file frivolous civil actions or out of vindictiveness or for political reasons, as in my two cases, and in cases of custody litigations. Just to mention a few examples. The Child Abuse and Prevention Act erroneously caused the elimination of those preliminary procedures that were followed by the law enforcement officials and by the courts, which existed to prevent malicious allegations and prosecutions. Society must have those laws restored immediately. The bad legislation that was enacted to provide immunity to anyone that comes forward with allegations of sexual child abuse has been abused on daily basis by unscrupulous individuals seeking to benefit from someone’s conviction. Please read: ‘BLIND INJUSTICE‘, by Attorney Mark Godsey.

Until next time, Francisco Fuster Escalona.

Blog #12: A Course in Miracles

Tuesday, August 24th, 2021

P.O. BOX 598, Mill Valley, CA 94942

My main objective through this communication has already been accomplished…up to a point. With the above title I have introduced you to a 1976 Christian metaphysical 1,300 pages volume of five books, which is now available to the entire planet in about 30 languages. Now it’s up to you to invest $26.00 for a soft cover small version, or $37.00 for a large hard cover deluxe version, or $170.00 for a set of 59 audio CDs version for the visually impaired.

I am motivated to share with others the powerful messages of A Course in Miracles, because those Words from Jesus Christ Himself, represents the Truth that set me free (Read: John 8:32). We all need freedom from the worldly ego thought system’s false beliefs and negative emotions, such as fear. That freedom can only be realized with the Truth imparted by the knowledge that: regardless of the ungodly thoughts and actions during the human experience, we will forever remain being as God created us, i.e., as Spiritual Holy and Eternal Minds, in oneness with God’s Holy Universal Mind and Thoughts. The mind is not the brain, but the essence of each are our thoughts. That Truth also includes, in part, that only the Holy Thoughts that we have received from our Holy Spiritual Mind Self and that have been accumulated in the brain during the human experience, will be able to become a part of the Mind-Spirit that is our real identity, and thus survive the human experience. That is the real meaning of Salvation. Salvation is not for the thoughts of the brains. ‘Spirit is in a state of grace forever. Your reality is only Spirit. Therefore, you are in a state of grace forever,’ (A Course in Miracles, @ Chapter 1, Section III, Paragraph 5, Sentences #4 #5 and #6). That Truth includes the spiritual consciousness that our Inner Holy Christ Self, which is the Son of God, does not require Salvation, because our holiness already enjoys eternal Salvation. Our essence are thoughts. God created each one of us Spiritual Minds with Holy and Eternal Thoughts from God’s own Mind and the total sum of us Spiritual Minds, are and represent the Son of God, i.e., the Universal Mind of Christ that we all share. The human bodies, i.e., the brains, are tools of our Spiritual Minds, that serve as co-creators of our own Selves and to communicate with each other. WE ARE NOT HUMAN BODIES. The thoughts in our brains, most of which are the essence of our self-made worldly ego thought system, are NOT our real identity. The religious ideas that there are rituals or/and faith, through which our Heavenly Father provided Salvation for our worldly ego thought system’s illusive and ungodly thoughts, are INSANE. To the extent that we adopt illusions as reality, we are insane. After the human experience we all will return to the Universal Mind of Christ and no unholiness can follow us There. Our worldly ego thought system is the real and only Antichrist, which is destined to vanish upon the death of the brain. That is the real and only final judgement. The Truth confirms the two simultaneous identities that we seem to experience as Spiritual Minds and as human beings and reveals that the temporary human ego identity is NOT REAL is NOT who we are.

Seeking worldly religious faith which offers Salvation for the worldly ego thought system is not conductive to the Truth that can set you free from your adopted illusions, to which you have, by error and stubbornness, issued reality. If anything, such a futile search would serve to reinforce your self-made ego thought system, which would darken the veil that prevents you from having access to the vision of your Inner Christ Self. God provides His Holy Spirit as the solution, Who is in your Holy Spiritual Mind to serve as God’s Voice to guide you when you become ready to relinquish the ego self that you have made to replace the Eternal and Holy Self that God created as You. Those are the reasons why your Spiritual Mind is the Temple of God. As you relinquish your ego thought system one worldly thought at a time, each of those dead ego thoughts, which are destined to vanish, will be replaced with an Eternal Holy Thought from your Inner Christ Self and to the extent that you do, you will be emulating our Holy Brother Jesus Christ in given Christ a human face. And only to the extent that you do, you have Salvation. Allow Jesus Christ, Who is really Christ, to be your Savior, and to teach you the Truth that will set you free. Only the Truth can dissipate our false beliefs. Only the Truth is True. The blood of Jesus of Nazareth was not shed to provide Salvation for the illusive egos of this illusive world, nor did our Heavenly Father had him assassinated. These false beliefs are insane, just as the blasphemous belief that Jesus of Nazareth was God Himself.

A Course in Miracles was written by a professor of doctors called Helen S. Schucman, between 1969 and 1976. Her name doesn’t appear on the cover of the volume, nor did she ever accept any money from the profits produced by the sales, because she claimed that A Course in Miracles was dictated to her by a Spiritual Inner Voice, that asked her to write the volume. She donated funds to have the volume published. The profits from the sales are being used to have the books published in every main language.

At first, I was skeptical, as expected. But what caused my skepticism to vanish was the power within each statement the lack of an ego self and the fact that the Voice identifies Itself as Jesus Christ. I appreciate learning that I am as God created Me and that my human experience can’t alter God’s Will.

Francisco Fuster-Escalona, God’s Messenger.