Blog #15 letter to Mark Inch

Mr. Mark Inch
Secretary, Florida Department of Corrections
501 South Calhoun Street
Tallahassee, Florida. 32399-2500
(850) 488-7480

Respected Mr. Inch:

I have been a Mentor for many of the 37 years that I have been incarcerated, however Sir, my message has gone through the metamorphosis that resulted from my own individual growth during my human experience. Divine wisdom does not come to us over night, nor does it come without painful experiences.

In reaction to your video FIND A MENTOR, my objective through this communication is to provide my good will contribution to the goal of facilitating a path toward a new thought system that is made of positive thoughts and feelings. Well, Sir, it is not a new thought system. Instead, it merely is the inner recognition and subsequent manifestation of the Eternal Holy Thought System under which each of us Mind-Spirit was created by God, which represents our real identity. Once that spiritual fact is recognized, we immediately begin to experience an inner willingness to identify ourselves with our Inner Self and the Mind begins the process of relinquishing the negativity of the illusive ego worldly self that each of us has made in this equally illusive world, because of the human experience, which is highly contaminated with the negative worldly thoughts that can only find manifestation with criminal activity. THE PROBLEM THAT REQUIRES CORRECTION IS THE EGO SELF. The only real solution can only come from OUR undiluted willfulness to manifest the Thought System from our individual Inner Self, i.e., our Inner Christ Self. Unfortunately, that required willfulness usually comes as the direct result of our own pain and suffering, which is our self-made hell. CHRIST IS THE ANSWER. The same Christ Self that Jesus of Nazareth manifested, we must also manifest. Jesus gave a human face to the Inner Divine Self that God created as him. We must imitate Jesus to leave behind us the insane thought system that has caused us, and other brains, so much physical and psychological pain and suffering. To the extent that we do, and only to that extend, can we manifest the Christ Thought System, which, as I affirmed before, is our only real identity. It is the only Part of us that really have a connection to God, and therefore, eternal life. God created each Mind-Spirit with Holy Thoughts from God’s own Holy Mind. The sum of all those Mind-Spirit Holy Thought System, represent and is, the Universal Christ Mind. Our real identity. Therefore Mr. Inch, according to which thought system we decide to identify with, those are the thoughts that we will manifest during the human experience. Thanks to our Heavenly Father, our reality is Mind-Spirit, which will remain holy and eternal regardless of the insanity and actions of the ego thought system in this illusive world. That Sir is God’s Will, and the egos’ thought system and worldly made religions can never alter that.

The worldly made religions that are based on the illusive beliefs that Jesus was killed as a sacrifice to God for the Salvation of the ego thought system, which itself is made up of illusive beliefs, are insane. There is no possible Salvation for the ego thought system, which is destined to vanish at the very moment when the brain dies. That, and only that, is our final judgement. And God’s Holy Thought System has never required any type of sacrifice from any ego self. Those illusive beliefs come from the egos thought system’s projections. The egos made a god in their own image relying on their projections. Only the egos require sacrifices. NOT GOD!

Only our ETERNAL HOLY THOUGHT SYSTEM will return as Light to the Universal Christ Mind. No illusions will survive the human experience. The ego thought system is highly contaminated with illusions, which will vanish when the body dies. But there is no death for the Mind-Spirit. That is a part of my basis for opposing the death penalty. If the objective is to educate the ego through punishment, its human body must be incarcerated, not killed. Prison life has the potential to induce the Mind to relinquish its ego self, or lower mind self if you wish.

There are several school of thoughts that can induce the ego self into surrendering to the Inner Christ Self, which is what any Department of Corrections Administrative staff should want.

I recommend the volume A COURSE IN MIRACLES, which is now available to the planet in about 30 languages, through 1,300 pages, from:

Foundation for Inner Peace
P.O. Box 598
Mill Valley, California 94942

That Sir, is my message in a nutshell. I am constantly conveying the above message to those that cross my path and provide me with the opportunity to try to help them relinquish all those self-destructive thoughts that their ego thought system has accumulated throughout their human experience. That is my self-imposed role as a mentor in your prison system. I experience great gratification when I make my brothers aware of their ego self and its negative thought system. Once that knowledge is drilled in, that truth will immediately begin to do its work (You shall learn the truth and the truth shall set you free. John 8:32).

On September 1st, 2021, I sent you another email letter in response to your email to us on April 22, 2020. I hope that the JPay staff and the MTC staff, do not intercept it. I have a legal right to freedom of speech under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution to share with you my prison experiences, and I also have your personal invitation to do so. If my emails to you are intercepted by those staff members that can do so, I will rely on snail mail to make you aware.

Thanking you, Francisco Fuster-Escalona

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