Blog #16. The Country Walk Babysitting Case: Part One

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September 25, 2021

From my perspective, Case #84-19728, began one day during the summer of 1984, when, upon arriving home from work, my wife Iliana told me that an HRS Representative had visited our house to investigate of an anonymous telephone caller who had alleged that she was sexually abusing the children under her care. It only took the investigator five minutes to inspect the five children under Iliana’s care our house and Iliana, to determine that the allegation was unfounded. That investigator told Iliana that more than 75% of all the anonymous calls to the HRS were made by malicious people making false allegations against someone, that for some reason, they disliked.

Notwithstanding the fact that that investigator had clearly established that Iliana was a sane mind and that there were no signs of any type of abuse, Iliana’s babysitting service for the Country Walk Housing Development should have immediately ended, as it was the obvious objective of the anonymous caller to the HRS. As the man of my house and being 17 years older than my now ex-wife Iliana, I take full responsibility for the error of allowing the babysitting service to continue after the HRS investigation. That was a bad decision that took place, in part, because the parents told Iliana that they had no one else nearby to replace her that they had to report to their jobs and to ignore the HRS investigation which was a closed case.

I also hated to allow the anonymous caller to the HRS to accomplish her or his objective to force Iliana to stop the babysitting service that made Iliana so happy. But still, my level of consciousness today doesn’t allow me to ignore that I foolishly overlooked that I was still serving my two years under probation for my Case #81-21904, and that Mrs. Bonnie Kendall, Miss R.R.’s mother, had promised me at my sentencing hearing, that she was going to cause me to violate the terms of my probation sentence to have the judge send me to prison. My reliance on the fact that Iliana was totally innocent of the false anonymous allegation, was misplaced. My trust on the parents and on the children, was also misplaced. And I didn’t visualize the potential consequences of my error.

Most certainly I had no basis at that point to imagine that soon after I was going to be implicated. Throughout my human experience I have never harmed a child in any way. I trusted the truth. I failed to realize that I WAS THE TARGET. I was totally unaware of the ongoing national hysteria of sexual child abuse. Due to that error, at a time of said ongoing national hysteria of sexual child abuse, Janet Reno easily fabricated the false charges in connection to the Country Walk Babysitting Case, with the help of the parents.

During the time that the above events took place, Attorney [REDACTED], who had been appointed by Honorable Steven D. Robinson in 1982 to appeal my conviction in connection to my Case #81-21904, was supposed to have been working on said appeal. However, unknown to me at that time, [REDACTED] had betrayed me and his legal duties as my appellate counsel to draft and to file the required appeal brief for which he got paid, not only by the State of Florida, but also $1,200.00 by me. Instead of complying with his legal duties, and without having placed me on notice as it is required by law, [REDACTED] filed with the Third District Court of Appeals of Florida an Anders Brief, i.e., a document through which he lied to the court, alleging that no appealable error had taken place during my trial.
My trial had several fundamental errors of manifested injustice that [REDACTED] had a duty to appeal but refused to comply with his legal duties to cover up for Janet Reno and for the law enforcement agents related by blood to Miss R.R.. He had joined the click against me, and effectively blocked even my pro se access to the courts. But I didn’t become aware of these facts until after my conviction in Case #84-19728-A. Obviously, had I known that [REDACTED] had sold me out, I would have not allowed him to become my trial attorney in the Country Walk Babysitting Case.

The next episode in line took place on August 8, 1984, about 6:30pm. I was in my office at my house talking happily with my young brother Sal and my beautiful wife Iliana. I was telling them my plans. I recall assuring them that my plans were solid and that nothing could stop me from realizing them. How foolish! How little did I know that my destination to a cell had already been sealed…. Then I saw through the window a nice SUV enter my house’s three cars driveway. My wife saw it too, and she told us: That is Mr. [REDACTED]’s SUV! Then we saw a police car stopping on the street. The two officers got out with their guns aimed at the SUV driver. One officer took cover behind the patrol car the other behind the patrol car’s door. The later had a megaphone and instructed [REDACTED] (An ex-convict) to throw out his .45 pistol, which he immediately did. Then that same officer instructed [REDACTED] to throw out his .357 Magnum revolver, which [REDACTED] did as ordered. Subsequently, [REDACTED] was arrested and removed, along with his SUV, from my property. [REDACTED] was placed by himself facing down on a garden island across from my residence. Another patrol car and a detectives’ car arrived. While all the law enforcement agents were together busy talking, about 20 yards away from [REDACTED], I went outside with my 35mm camera to take pictures and to interview [REDACTED]. Before I was noticed, I was next to [REDACTED], who was discharging saliva suds through his mouth. I was not able to find out why he wanted to kill us. Then the law enforcement agents saw me…


Francisco Fuster-Escalona

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