Blog #3: The Truth about my Convictions

I am aware of the fact that, the current circumstances of my human experience, i.e., being incarcerated under horrible allegations of crimes against children under the age of ten years old, have effectively eliminated; or reduced to a minimum, my credibility. Therefore, I ask myself: Why should anyone believe anything that I write? After all, Janet Reno had me convicted twice of child molestation, thus assassinating my character in the process. Anyone could argue that I have been in denial since 1981, even though that is very hard to believe; and that I can declare all the allegations that I want in pursue of my objectives.

I am also well aware of the fact that the truth of my cases No. 81-21904 and No. 84-19728-A, from the Eleventh Judicial Circuit Court of Florida, will be rejected by some brains regardless of the amount of evidence that exists in support of my affirmation that the late Florida State Attorney Janet Reno; and those people that assisted her, fabricated all the false evidence that made possible my two convictions in Miami-Dade County. Definitely, all those individuals that fabricated those false charges against me (And the false charges against my then 17 years old wife Iliana Flores. Case No. 84-19728-B), will reject the truth again and again. They do not need my input to know the truth. From the get go they all knew that no one had abused their children.

Notwithstanding the above declared facts, I am motivated to write the truth known to me for several reasons:

1) The truth deserves to be represented under all the adversities of the human experience. I firmly believe that. Some times during the human experience we must take a very painful and difficult stand to honor the truth. For example, in connection to my first conviction, the R.R.  case, when I rejected a plea bargain offer of only six months under probation, to take my case to trial, notwithstanding the fact that I was facing a sentence of 15 years in prison, I was not being unconscious. I was not being stupid; stubborn or in denial. I was defending the truth. That crime never existed. I knew the possible consequences for rejecting Janet Reno’s plea bargain offer, yet that didn’t stopped me from doing the right thing. I fully complied with my legal, with my moral and with my spiritual duties.
After a manipulated jury trial (The details will follow), I was found guilty and sentenced to only two years under probation, over the objection of the prosecutor.

Before I was able to complete my probation sentence; and during the time that I was waiting for my court appointed attorney to vacate my bogus conviction, Janet Reno charged me (And my wife) with molesting the preschool children that my wife Iliana and her cousin Maritza (Phonetic) Betanco had babysat at our house (All the details will follow in the future), located in a fenced gated community called: “Country Walk”, in Miami Dade County. As a result, my probation sentence was deleted and I was sentenced to 15 years in prison.

In the second case, known nationally as the Country Walk Babysitting Case, I was facing a life sentence, yet, I rejected, about eleven times, Janet Reno’s plea bargain offer of 15 years in prison, RUNNING CONCURRENTLY, with the 15 years that I had already received for the R.R.  case, i.e., NO ADDITIONAL PRISON TIME. Believe me, if I had had one single hair of pedophilia tendencies on my head, I would have immediately accepted that deal. That deal would have allowed me to recover my freedom in 1988, due to the monthly gain time that the government was distributing. That deal was outstanding, but only for a guilty person, not for me. None of the crimes for which Iliana and I were convicted in Miami Dade County, ever existed. Not even one. We are truly 1,000 % innocent of each and every charge. So, I opted to follow my conscious and I took my case to trial, to defend the truth. I knew that, since Iliana had decided to accept the deal (Iliana was released and deported to Honduras in 1988), it was only up to me to defend the truth, for which I have now served over 13,000 days.

2) I am doing it for myself and for society. For myself because I want to document my real legacy. I want to create a record of the real facts. Of the truth. Only the truth is true. That will give me a sense of having accomplished something meaningful and helpful to society. I want to try to influence the law makers and the judicial system of the State of Florida into doing the right thing. It is morally wrong to manipulate the innocent and highly impressionable brains of children to realize the conviction of one or more innocent adults, in order to gain something. Those are the real unspeakable acts. So depravated that most people cannot believe that anyone can be so unconscious. So cruel. So sick.

3) Because I can rely in the credibility of several reputable members of society to provide support for my undiluted claim of absolute innocence. Google Frank Fuster; Country Walk Babysitting Case and Francisco Fuster Escalona (My full name). I will cite books, articles and television programs. Most of the facts on which I plan to rely can be confirmed. I will rely on a lie detector test and a psychological evaluation. I have a non fictional story to share with society. With you. Finally, I am totally relying in the Holy Spirit to guide me, word by word dictated to my mind. I hear the mental Voice and I type. That simple. I am doing that right now. I prayed before I started this email to invoke divine assistance, in a manifestation of my faith and spiritual experience.

When you research my convictions, you will come across the statements of my accusers. That is fair to provide you with both sides of the story. Best, Paco.

2 Responses to “Blog #3: The Truth about my Convictions”

  1. Curtis Brandt says:

    Hello Mister Fuster, I am curtis brandt, a volunteer researcher with Grey Faction. I’m looking into case involving the Satanic Panic and, I’m sorry to hear about your case, and the situation it has left you in. It seems to me in other case and your own, the defence, used tactic’s that tend to falsify the allegations and implications, you have been charged with. In most cases it’s out dated tactics, that get reassessed and get re-evaluatied, by the courts upon lawyers request of reassessment of the evidence due to out dated ethical questioning and coercion, which is the persuasion on children to testify or give them “the defence” what they what to hear, such evidence that should be gather for a reevaluation is the defences psychology assessments and the practitioners physical assessments. I don’t know if there’s something of value of that to you. If you like to email me I wouldn’t mind helping with cross referencing some researching on these cases to find some puzzle piece that maybe helpful. I’m in Canada so our legality is different but I can look and ask other I know, and if you want to reference some information please check out

    Best of luck mister Fuster, I hope this help your case.
    Hopefully hear from you or an associate soon.

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