Blog #11: Reno’s Motives; Pedophilia

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Since the decision to prosecute me had no basis on reality, because the alleged crime never took place, the only remaining possible reason is projected madness based on vindictiveness for my decision to exercise my legal rights in a court of law. There is no other logical explanation when my innocence is not disputed. All my thoughts; statements and actions in that regard, are generated by the knowledge of my own innocence. My conviction provided them with protection from any criminal and civil accountability for the crimes committed in my house against me and my family, as well as to my property.

My conviction was necessary to suppress my voice. Regardless of any degree of denial from anyone, that is the absolute truth. Janet Reno joined their conspiracy because they were a family of law enforcement agents, but also to obtain their votes. Subsequently, Janet Reno found it necessary to fabricate my second conviction, above all, to eliminate my credibility and to suppress my voice. My second conviction not only generated the required votes for her to win her reelection bit against Attorney John Thompson (One of my supporters now); but also paved the road to her position as the United States Attorney General. The circumstances surrounding my life at that time made me the perfect candidate for the crime against my person. Mostly, being an ex-convict from the State of New York in a 1969 manslaughter case, at the age of 20.

As terrible as that experience was with the family of [REDACTED]; who later became [REDACTED]; and subsequently became [REDACTED], was insignificant by comparison to what, my destiny had reserved for me in the Country Walk Babysitting Case, which generated a TV movie; several books; way over one thousand articles nationwide; and TV documentaries, most of which support, totally or in part, my firm assertion of undiluted innocence, as to every charge.

As expected from the ego thought system, some minds find it impossible to believe that I am in fact totally innocent of my two convictions of sexual child abuse, notwithstanding all the evidence that I have documented so far. Such minds refuse to conceive the high level of cruelty and malice that was expressed by the sick ego mind set of Janet Reno. They elected to ignored and thus to disregard her documented record, such as her actions in the Waco, Texas, religious compound, where Janet Reno has over 80 human beings exterminated under the purported justification that the killings were necessary because the 37 children that were massacred had been victims of sexual child abuse.

To my surprise, society went along with that sick lie. I reasonably attribute such a state of mind to bias; fears; prior personal trauma(s); ignorance; or projected guilt. The effects of adopted illusions in the mind are identical to the effects of the truth, because to the mind, its illusions are not illusions, but reality. This fact applies to any area of the human experience, from religion to politics to points of view on any given subject.

One example that comes to mind is the ongoing nationwide illusive belief that the coronavirus is fake news. To believe that I molested Miss R.R., a mind must ignore a mountain of evidence that logically contradict that upside down perception. I find it highly contradictory to believe that I am guilty of my first conviction, and therefore a pedophile, but totally innocent of my second conviction. The proposition posited by that belief must totally disregard the sick mind set of a pedophile. It doesn’t require much research, or a Ph.D., to establish the fact that a pedophile that hasn’t been healed, will act out his or her pedophilia mind set at any opportunity, because the truth is that they cannot help themselves. The fact that pedophilia is a mental disease must be recognized and allowed its central place in the equation. Otherwise, the ongoing errors that prevent how to properly deal with the problems, are being perpetuated.

As a nation, we have made much progress in science; technology; nuclear bombs; and many other areas. We have developed significant control of the space and traveled to the moon. Yet, the members of society haven’t learned how to deal with cases dealing with allegations of sexual child abuse. That fact is not based on a lack of knowledge between right and wrong, or about what must be done to correct the problems surrounding such cases. The main problem is that the truth concerning those cases seems to be an unwanted truth. The type of truth that can destroy a politician’s career. No politician that I know of is willing to commit political suicide. Under today’s beliefs and the emotional nature that is inherent in such cases, anyone that has the courage to speak and defend the truth will be perceived as a champion for child molesters. Not a nice position to adopt. But I have the freedom to speak out my mind. Therefore, through my blogs I will share my thoughts with you.

A pedophile is defined by adopted sick thoughts in the mind, that elicit conceived sexual pleasures from sexual activities with human beings under the age of sexual expression, and mental and physical capacity for that experience. Their depraved actions against nature are harmful to children, highly repugnant and criminal. Up to now, society’s reaction has been to hate them, to deny them the required mental health treatment that can provide healing in the great majority of those cases; and to incarcerate them with common criminals to be tortured on daily basis for many years. But, has this approach produced the best results?
Frank Fuster.

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