Greetings from my prison bunk and from my world of thoughts.
Since this is my first blog, before anything, I want to express my heart felt gratitude to my supporters for this opportunity to share my thoughts with the world, above all, with all those persons that have played a role in my human experience.
In second place, through this blog I most respectfully seek to reach out to responsible social minded individuals interested in volunteering their time and labor as advocators and champions for a controversial stand in defending the legal human rights of both: The innocent persons that have been convicted with emotional and fabricated allegations of sexual child abuse; and those human rights of the children that must be victimized through the illegal manipulative process of inculcating in their tender and impressionable minds premature sexual knowledge and the ideas of having experienced some type of sexual abuse, which are required to convert an innocent child into an effective witness for the prosecutors. What makes this a very controversial advocacy, in addition to the rage that it generates; is the general upside-down perception that one is in reality protecting the legal rights of actual pedophiles, without any regards for the rights of their child victim(s). This premise has as a foundation the firm beliefs that: 1. Adults are not capable of committing the crime of manipulating the minds of children with inculcating false beliefs of having been molested, to realize the conviction of one or more innocent adult victims. 2. Children never lie about having been molested. 3. Every person that has been accused and convicted of sexual child abuse is guilty of some crime. Any conclusion that arises as a result of those false propositions, must be equally wrong, regardless of how sincere the beliefs are believed and projected. Only the truth is true. Being honestly misguided cannot be accepted as actual facts to be relied on.
One of my goals through my blogs is to show that, as a matter of facts, for different reasons, prosecutors; parents; professional witnesses and other adults, who have a moral and legal duty to protect children, do commit the crime of brainwashing the innocent minds of children with fabricated allegations of sexual child abuse to make possible the conviction of one or more innocent adult victim(s), without any regards for the psychological impact in the mind of the child. As long as this type of child abuse is allowed to exist, the crimes will be perpetuated. The main reason for which these horrible crimes exist, is because society in general has been in denial about the existence of the degenerated mental level that is required to perpetuate such cruel crimes against it. I know how painful and upsetting this unwanted truth can be for any sane mind. But ignoring the crime is not a good option if the real objective is the protection of children and of innocent adults that have never harmed a child in any way, as my ex-wife Iliana and I. My innocence is serving as my motivator to survive my incarceration for over 36 years so far; and to appeal to you to join me represent this good cause for the benefit of our society. That is my sincere objective. What about you?
Regarding my specific goal to protect children from mental abuse, my idea is to motivate my readers into writing letters and sending emails to the law makers of their respective jurisdiction, to request the legislation of the required laws that are necessary to reduce to a minimum the current gross manipulation of children’s minds in the courtrooms of the United States. Also, new laws are needed to delete the false allegations of sexual child abuse that are keeping many innocent persons in prison; and to have them released from prison immediately. They should also be properly compensated for having being incarcerated on the basis of false evidence.
Mostly, I will provide blogs of about 1,000 words from time to time, directed at providing facts that can be relied on, including, but not limited to, current laws, case laws; books; articles; medical reports and my own human life experiences. I take full responsibility for all my statements through all my blogs. I will honor my moral code to be 100% truthful and accurate. I welcome any questions or comments that are sent to me from respectful minds, notwithstanding the fact that I am expecting to have to deal with the projections of some minds’ bias; fears and even, in some cases, guilt. Even with that anticipation, I welcome their input. In addition, I welcome communication with the alleged victim of the 1981 case and with all the Country Walk Children of 1984. The time has arrived to replace illusions with the truth, if that is your will. In a nutshell, my ex-wife Iliana and I are 1,000 % innocent of each and every charge of sexual child abuse, for which I have served over 36 years in the prisons of the State of Florida, under constant harassment and attacks. Through my blogs I will provide enough facts to confirm my affirmations.
Further, through my blogs I will undress my brain. My blogs will serve as a memoir. I want to be known and judged on the basis of my real thoughts. To be judged for who I am; for my real undiluted heterosexual orientation; for my real crimes; for my many errors; for my illusions; for my religious faith; for my goals; for my beliefs; for my real desires; for my political views; for my ignorance or for my knowledge; for my moral code or for the void thereof. That is a reasonable request. No one should be judged for what he or she is not and has never been. Right? Please, correct me if you think that I am wrong.
Sincerely, Frank Fuster.