Greetings from my prison bunk and Love from my Inner Self.
Through this second blog, I am going to share with you an important part of my world of thoughts, in a good faith effort to start the long process to undress my brain before you. I like to address my spiritual life at this onset, because one’s spiritual life influences every thought of the human brain. I will begin by informing you that I do not subscribe to any organized religion. In fact, in the prison I am currently registered as a humanist. Prior to that, I dedicated many years to evaluate some of the main religions of our planet. I determined that all of them serve the ego’s thought system. Having said that, I know that God is, and that because God is, I Am. Further, I subscribe to the metaphysical spiritual knowledge imparted by “A Course In Miracles” ( (Available in all the main languages of this world); and, up to a point, to other similar schools of spiritual thoughts.
Today I feel inspired to disclose my Inner Self identity. Let me explain. We all have two identities. The identity that I call the Inner Self is our eternal and holy spiritual mind identity; an extension of the Universal Mind of God. Actually, we were created by God as eternal and spiritual minds with holy Thoughts from the Mind of God before the illusive worldly concept of time and space existed. Thoughts are the essence we are made of. We are not human bodies. We are not worldly thoughts. This is not our world. Whatever human experiences take place in this world, do not affect in any way the Will of God that our reality is only spirit; and that as spirit, we are in a state of grace FOREVER. The Thoughts of God and the Thoughts that we have created with God, which are our real essence, are Universal Eternal Light, just as our Creator. Only at the spiritual level of existence, which is our real world, where we all share Oneness with God, we were created in the image of our Divine Father. Not at the lower physical realms of this illusive world.
We came to this world to make a worldly self concept, i.e., a worldly thought system, which in psychology we call “the ego”, which is in perpetual conflict with the Inner Christ Thought System. According to the geographical place of birth as a human being, relying on the body’s brain, we learn the language and the culture of the place of birth. Relying on the worldly thoughts that we hear and learn, mostly from our family, the ego becomes to be. The main problem with the worldly thoughts of the ego self, is that they are highly contaminated with illusions, many of which are destructive and depraved, i.e., thoughts that are in conflict with love; with reality, with the truth, and thus with the Inner Self Holy Thoughts. The ego is the only anti-Christ. Call it the devil if you wish. One can correctly define ungodly illusive ego thoughts as evil, because they are not godly. To the extent that salvation means eternal life in God’s Mind, there is no salvation for the ego’s thought system. The egos’ allegations that it has had communications with God, are insane, as the rest of the ego’s thought system. The worldly ego thoughts will not be able to be in our spiritual mind when we return to the Mind of God after the death of our human bodies. The established destine of every illusive thought is to vanish into the nothingness whence they came, upon the death of the brain. That, and only that, is the so called final judgment, which is actually conducted by each of us, at the moment when we reject unwanted illusive thoughts right after leaving the human body. The entire spiritual world is made of the Holy Mind of God; and no illusive worldly thought can possibly exist in the Mind of God. To the extent that we identify ourselves with our ego self thought system, we will manifest illusions, some of which can be harmful to our human experience or/and to other members of the Sonship in transition through this planet. The Sonship is made up of the total sum of minds that God has created by an extension of Itself. Since our reality is spirit; and at that level we share oneness, all thoughts affect the Universal Mind of the Sonship, which is our Inner Christ Presence; the Inner Self; or the Son of God, which is us. The same Inner Christ that was in the Mind of Jesus of Nazareth, is in every mind. It was the Inner Christ, not Jesus, who manifested miracles.
To the extent that we identify ourselves with the holy thought system of the Holy Spirit of God, Who is God’s Voice in our minds, we can become an instrument through which God’s Thoughts can have expression. That was what our holy Brother Jesus accomplished; and what we must also accomplish by relinquishing the ego thought system and this world. Our real goal is to leave this hell and return to God’s Mind with our accumulated Light. At the end of our worldly journey, only the total sum of our holy thoughts will have eternal life. I learned all this information during my quest to increase my capacity to love. Only God is love. Any ungodly thought is a void of God. The New Testament’s Book First of Corinthian provides an accurate definition of God’s Love.
Having exposed my current spiritual knowledge, now I must tell you that, notwithstanding the fact that I am not a pedophile, I used to be under significant amount of control of the ego self that I erroneously made, with detrimental implications, not only to my human experience, but unfortunately to the human experience of others as well. Gradually, as we move alone in this journey, as the opportunities present themselves, I will continue disclosing the metamorphosis that I had to endure to reach my current level of godly peace and joy
Thank you for your participation. Frank Fuster.