The current laws in the United States of America that authorize the execution of human beings under the so called death penalty are at the heart of our country’s criminal judicial system.

To provide an answer to the worldwide question of all times, seeking to know what happens after the death of the human body, a brain must rely on theological beliefs of some kind.

Theological beliefs are religious beliefs embedded in the conviction that the killing of a human body and thus the removal of that body from its human experience, can serve as a punishment for some committed or alleged crime. These facts clearly establishes that the laws that authorize the death penalty in the United States of America are in legal violation of, and in conflict with, the laws that prohibit the promulgation of laws based on religious speculations. The laws of a country must be based on an universal moral code without any reliance on the doctrines of any type of church. The separation of church and state must always be honored. They cannot be allowed to be interwoven as they are now to provide support to the death penalty.

The death penalty laws are being promulgated under the religious convictions that the killing of a human body can serve as a punishment and that subsequent punishments will follow in the afterlife in retribution for the alleged committed crime. The death penalty laws are in fact serving the illegal and unconstitutional objective respecting an establishment of religion, as a religious ritual, which is clearly prohibited by the provisions of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution (1791).


The death of a human body cannot possibly serve as a punishment regardless of the cause of death. Over one million human bodies die every single day all over our planet under many different conditions. A dead body is a dead body regardless of how it died. Every human body must and will die, but never as a punishment. To adopt the belief that the premature death of your body, by whatever means, could serve as some form of punishment, would be the equivalent of displaying your ignorance in connection to your real identity as an eternal and holy spiritual being created as such in the image of God and of simultaneously displaying a sense of attraction for this illusive world that is not your real World and also a great fear of what is currently beyond your knowledge. The death of a human body is really a great blessing in disguise. It is the end of the illusive human experience and a one way ticket to return to the Universal Mind of God, which is our real World, free from all the worldly illusions that we allowed into the consciousness of our worldly ego thought system. Under the established Universal Laws of God, Spirit, which is our real identity, is under state of grace forever. The only final judgment that is waiting to take place will be individually conducted by each mind and it will consists of the rejection of our worldly false ego self and its illusive though system.

If the legal objective is to provide a punishment for an alleged crime, that human body shouldn’t be killed. That is the main reason for which societies build and maintain prisons. The government should not serve as a means to take revenge on behalf of the alleged victims by having the accused person assassinated. Such acts are very barbaric and serve as very bad examples to the members of society. The death penalty promotes violence in our society.

Countless innocent human beings have been prematurely deprived of their human experience through death penalty sentences based on false fabricated allegations and evidence from very emotional prosecutors and civilians that sometimes were motivated by secret agendas. This is still taking place today. We all have read about politicians that ride the barbaric and illegal death penalty political platform to gain votes for their election bid, through the easy manipulation of many members of our society. Those politicians do not really care about the wellbeing of society. All they care about is their political ambitions.

Worldwide, so far, 124 countries have made laws abolishing their prior death penalty laws. Several states in the United States have followed suit. The laws of any given society provide evidence of their high or lacking sense of divine wisdom and knowledge. I pray that our lawmakers become spiritual enough to gain the required courage to present legislation directed at the abolishment of the death penalty all over the United States of America. Only the truth is true. When we fail to take a stance on behalf of the truth, we have erroneously decided to take a stance on behalf of lies. The claim by the United States that we are the world’s champion of human rights is devoid of integrity, in part, by the current death penalty laws. We must practice what we preach.

Frank Fuster-Escalona, #821200
Everglades Correctional Institution

Frank Fuster’s Nightmare to send me an email.

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