Blog #40 My Truth is not Your Trurh


I am walking on a very narrow lonely road with my truth, all by myself sometimes, far away from the great majority of humanity. Yet, I feel the holy wellbeing and spiritual higher consciousness that can only be possible as a result of the certainty of knowing the truth. My truth is my connection to God’s Love, which is our only real primary need. The truth known to me is:


Contrary to the belief by the majority of humanity, I do not identify my Self with my temporary human body, which is destined to die and to subsequently vanish forever. God doesn’t have a body or the image of a human body. Human bodies were not created in the image of God. God is Light, and so are We. Those that identify their Selves with their human bodies, will unavoidably become adherents to their ego’s worldly and illusive thought system. As a result, they adopt as their truth the tenets of one of the many man made worldly illusive religions that promote as reality the illusive belief that their bodies will be resurrected by their projected god or gods. My truth reveals that the human bodies are only a tool for the human experience on this planet. Human bodies cannot exist in the Universal-God-Mind, which is our real and eternal World, whence we came and to where we all will eventually return. As Mind-Spirit, which is our eternal holy reality, we will not require human bodies. A Mind-Spirit is Light, just as God is also Light, Who created each of Us Mind-Spirit by an extension of Its Almighty Omnipresent Omnipotent Self. Eternal and totally self sustained holy Mind-Spirit-Light is our holy reality, regardless of our lack of love and any committed crime during our human experience.


Contrary to the generally accepted illusive belief that we can rely on our human languages to communicate with the Universal-God-Mind, I can assure you that God’s Energy only reacts to the energies emitted by our adopted thoughts and feelings, not to our spoken words through the process of praying. God has NEVER actually spoken to any human being and NEVER will. All the allegations that are in conflict with that truth, are false and thus insane. Meditation concentrating in God, which takes place without words, is the most effective way to send our love to God through our Divine Inner Spiritual Self, Who shares oneness with God. God’s Energies, which are God’s Universal Laws, are constantly reacting to our mental energies, whether they are good or bad. With the knowledge of a human language, we can articulate our energies into thoughts and our thoughts into words or actions on this planet. Thoughts are our essence and most powerful energy. To dissolve any unwanted situation on this planet, we must change our thoughts. The desired change is unavoidable. No one can escape the good or bad consequences of his or her thoughts. No one! At the end of the human life, only our holy thoughts will be able to survive the human experience. Our illusive thoughts will vanish forever. That is our own beautiful final judgment.


Sacrifices of any animal or human being as a means to obtain God’s forgiveness for one’s crimes, is an ungodly and insane idea of the human beings’ ego thought system, not of the Universal God Mind. The insane idea of sacrifices of animals and human beings to obtain forgiveness from God originated from the self condemnation of the human brains, resulting from feelings of guilt generated by committed crimes. The insane ego thought system has always wanted to have someone else punished for its crimes. Let the cows pay! Let the bulls pay! Or let Jesus pay. Anyone! That is undiluted craziness. No one can pay for our crimes, nor can there be salvation (Eternal existence) for our criminal insane thoughts. Our purification is entirely our own responsibility, regardless of any conveniently adopted illusive belief to the contrary. All our crazy criminal illusive thoughts will vanish when our brains die. Unholiness cannot enter the Universal-God-Mind. The Jewish Preacher Jesus of Nazareth was killed by his own people for expressing his childhood inculcated belief that he was the illusive Jewish Messiah, not to provide salvation for our illusive criminal thoughts. The sacrifices of animals as alleged atonements for committed errors or crimes was also a mega highly profitable Jewish business. Man made religions still are profitable businesses.


The fact that the Universal God Mind can do anything, has been manipulated to provide credibility to the fictional miracles throughout the entire Bible, which are in total conflict with the Character of God. The Hebrews created their own god in their own image through projection of their ego thought system, to unite their descendants in perpetuity under one strong inculcated belief, that they are God’s chosen people forever. In the name of their invisible idol they made the most powerful religion in history, with 613 rules and many rituals. The Universal God Mind is not the god invented by the Hebrews, but the God of all.

You are entitled to your truth, but only the truth is true.

Francisco (Frank) Fuster-Escalona
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